Sunrise Quotes

Sunrise Quotes

While sunsets establish an end of a long day, sunrise may represent a new beginning or a fresh start. Whether one is a nocturnal owl or an early bird, everyone will agree that the sight of sunrise is one of the most beautiful instances one may catch throughout the day. There is something about the…

50 George Washington Quotes

50 George Washington Quotes

George Washington was the very first president of The United States of America who premeditatedly made sound decisions to benefit the country without abusing his power. Geroge Washington was a man with a burning patriotism, an intimate sense of duty, and a man with valor. He understood that each and every decision he makes may…

21 Warren Buffett Quotes

21 Warren Buffett Quotes

Warren Buffett is a legendary and highly successful business magnate, super-investor and philanthropist. He has been acclaimed globally and has received various awards for his contribution to the finance industry. In 2010 he was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama which is the highest award conferred to a civilian by the United…

31 Carl Sagan Quotes You Will Love

31 Carl Sagan Quotes You Will Love

Carl Sagan was one of the most familiar and popular scientist between the years 1970 to 1980. He was born on 9th November 1934 in Brooklyn New York. He was a astronomer, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, cosmologist, author, science communicator in astronomy and other natural sciences and also studied extraterrestrial intelligence, consistently advocated for nuclear disarmament. He…