7 Ways To Find Pure Happiness

It’s really not difficult to move your life from unhappy to HAPPY. Most people often think about achieving Happiness but not always knowing the steps to take to get their. When happiness doesn’t arrive quick enough, most people end up losing their confidence in the real world and toss up their dreams in the “not possible-basket”. It is important to understand that being truly happy comes from within you and involves a commitment to yourself that you will put in effort every day and every goal that you desire will become easy to accomplish.

All you need is to concentrate on doing just 10% more than others around you and these, free of cost little actions will lead you to the right path.


7 Ways To Find Pure Happiness


Be Comfortable With Yourself!

The closer you get to YOU, the more confident you will feel in dealing with life situations. Otherwise, even a small issue will seem to be insurmountable.
Don’t expect any magic to happen and boost your self confidence. The key to confidence is to get over all the negative aspects of your life and love yourself with full devotion.
Even though the approach of adopting a “feel good factor” is easier said than done, it is definitely not impossible. Whether you are overcommitted, stressed, overworked, tired or insecure in life, it is important to maintain a positive outlook towards life without losing hope in yourself.

Working on yourself alone will dramatically help with your happy

Find and Follow Your Passions

We all have hidden desires and passion for certain things. Some realize them and take necessary actions to fulfill them, while others are not even aware of them and live their life according to what others expect of them.
Love yourself enough to go after what you want in life. This will prove to be a huge step towards a positive and happy lifestyle. Create a vision board or list of things that make you happy and go out there each day until you try something you fall in love with.

Trying new things and finding joy in them is is a beautiful journey to happiness.

Create Positive Environments Around You

Eliminate all the negative souls from your life as they will only bring you down.
Everyone has problems and down days, this is normal, however there are some people you meet who are negative about so many things and you find that even when there’s a solution to something, they find an excuse for that too. You don’t need them. It is important to have positive people for a feel good factor.

It is a proven fact that when you dress well, your self confidence boosts about 50 percent more than usual. Wear clothes that look good on you and that make you feel good.
It is also important to have a good perception about things in life, no matter how bad they are. Always know that nothing is permanent and all you can control is your reaction and perceprtion to something – so it may as well be a positive one.

A positive environment will boost your confidence in a positive manner and help you live a happier life.

Visualize your Transformation

Visualizing yourself at a position where you want to be, or at a place that gives you satisfaction is a great way to boost your confidence.
When you wake up in the morning you can practice a 5 minute visualization meditation which will set the tone for your day. Close your eyes and think of a time in your life where you were extremely happy – harness the feelings you had and bring them into your present day. Before you go to sleep, do not forget to visualize yourself reaching your goal and waking up happier than you are today.

Visualization is powerful and is something that is free and effective to all.

Stretch Your Comfort Zones

Stretching yourself out of your comfort zone means doing things that you thought were impossible for you to perform, achieve or attain.
Think about things that you’d like to achieve and what are the things holding you back from achieving them?
For instance: you have a business proposal at hand, but you aren’t ready to discuss it with anyone due to the fear of rejection.
Face it! Everyone who would have ever tried doing something out of box must have faced a lot of criticism, rejection and even embarrassment but if they didn’t push themselves outside their comfort zone, they wouldn’t be where they are today.

Everyday do at least one thing that makes you feel uncomfortable and don’t let the fear prevent you from achieving your goals.

Reward Yourself Regardless Of Current Life Situations

Remember the smile you used to get seeing two stars in your dictation test, or may be the chocolates and pencil boxes that you used to get in school for answering a really difficult question or my personal favourite; a scratch and sniff sticker
These were rewards to encourage and support you to keep going.A way of your teachers letting you know that there is always a reward for a job well done.
But, no-one never said that rewards should not only given by others. You are independent now and have all the authority to reward yourself for all the good things you do!
Using reward system is a great way to get a break from your monotonous life. Once you’ll get into the habit of rewarding yourself for the good things you do, your confidence in yourself will improve, leading you to bigger achievements.

Don’t deprive yourself from the happiness that you have earned for yourself.

Take the Opportunities

The longer you will keep yourself involved in the process of becoming the best and happiest version of you, the easier it will be to see opportunities that float past you on regular basis.
You have to believe that opportunities can show up anytime in your face, and you need to be prepared every time to see them.
Whenever any new opportunity arrives, don’t waste your time thinking about impossibilities; but grab a strong hold of them and make them part of your journey

What you look for, you see!