Life is a Journey Quotes

Life is a Journey Quotes

Life, well, it’s like a meandering river, ain’t it? A ramblin’ journey we all find ourselves on, with twists and turns that keep us wonderin’ what’s around that next bend. Sometimes, we’re ridin’ high on the waves, laughin’ and whoopin’ with joy. Other times, we hit them rocks, and Lord, it feels like the whole…

How Instagram stories work

How Instagram stories work

In the modern world, social media is being used for more than just documenting important events, it has become a lifestyle choice or a form of self-expression.  More than just 500 million people are currently on the application Instagram watching videos, posting images, and uploading stories.  These Instagram users have a sharp eye for new…

John F. Kennedy Quotes

John F. Kennedy Quotes

When we talk about some of the most well-known American politicians John Fitzgerald Kennedy may come to one’s mind. John F. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States of America who is also recognized as the first junior senator and second youngest sworn president of the United States. Some of Kennedy’s contributions are…

Aristotle Quotes

Aristotle Quotes

Aristotle was a polymath in the Classical period of Ancient Greek and arguably the most renowned Greek Philosopher of all time. Famously known for being the founder of Formal Logic, Aristotle’s goal was to inspire people to learn anything by devising a universal process of reasoning. Being Plato’s pupil, Aristotle was more empirically-minded than his…

Sunrise Quotes

Sunrise Quotes

While sunsets establish an end of a long day, sunrise may represent a new beginning or a fresh start. Whether one is a nocturnal owl or an early bird, everyone will agree that the sight of sunrise is one of the most beautiful instances one may catch throughout the day. There is something about the…

50 George Washington Quotes

50 George Washington Quotes

George Washington was the very first president of The United States of America who premeditatedly made sound decisions to benefit the country without abusing his power. Geroge Washington was a man with a burning patriotism, an intimate sense of duty, and a man with valor. He understood that each and every decision he makes may…

21 Warren Buffett Quotes

21 Warren Buffett Quotes

Warren Buffett is a legendary and highly successful business magnate, super-investor and philanthropist. He has been acclaimed globally and has received various awards for his contribution to the finance industry. In 2010 he was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama which is the highest award conferred to a civilian by the United…